
Managing Expectations

An email with a subject: “7 Expectations that Often Drain 90% of our Joy and Peace in Life” entered my inbox a few days ago and I felt so excited to share it. So often when I feel anxious or just unfulfilled in my day, I have to review my expectations – toward others, towards current circumstances or towards myself. Often this small adjustment helps me relax and feel gratitude for my day, regardless of how it unfolded.

The different expectations we are constantly filled with do add some kind of helpful mental framework but they can also blur our mind and cause a lot of burden. In my case today the expectation from the blog post I read that hit me as the one to adapt was:

4. Stop expecting people to perfectly align with your idea of who they are.

I read it and I felt immediate calmness. One reason was maybe because I felt not alone with this problem.

Have a look at the full post from Marc & Angel and if it resonates with you, maybe consider subscribing to it. For me personally it brings a lot of peace every time I see something popping up from them.

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