Judging the cracks
Wondering what I mean with this title?
I think one of the most common self-talk popping up every now and then is the idea: “I’m not good enough”. The mind always finds so many proofs for this and keeps us in a constant loop of searching for even more of them. I must admit I fall in this circle of thoughts and I am sure pretty sure it might have happened to you.
Here is the thing – neither me or you are perfect! We have our cracks that make us unique. Looking at our cracks with appreciation rather than judgment is the one mindset shift that can make all the difference. Accepting yourself as you are and truly enjoying yourself is an art I wish everybody could master. I am constantly on the hunt for that and I must say I have gotten much better in that lately. And it has just made life oh so much more wonderful!
I am sharing below the inspiration for this Pinch – a very relatable post by Marc & Angel about understanding we are not perfect and accepting it with our full heart. This inevitably brings acceptance for others and true appreciation of everything around you.