
3 Daily Quests

Do you sometimes feel like you just don’t know where to start? Your day feels overwhelming from the moment you wake up. Focus is zero, the cloud on top of your head is enormous. The following strategy can absolutely help if you invest 5 minutes in it.

Think about 3 concrete and impactful things which would be possible to achieve in the day. Instead of calling them tasks or To Do Items, add a fun element and call them quests.

As Ali Abdaal mentions in his newsletter:

Tasks can feel like obligations, but quests make you feel like you’re on an exciting journey.

For balance, try to have each quest in one of these categories: Health – Work – Relationships.

Here is one example for a working mom like me:

Health: Do a quick 15-minute stretch or take a brisk walk in the afternoon
Work: Finish first draft of my presentation
Relationships: Play a board game with my kids at bed time

Sounds achievable to me. And it would definitely bring some peace of mind at the end of the day. In addition, it removes the feeling of overwhelm.

Source Idea: Ali Abdaal Newsletter

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